Agency Name Launch Pad Santa Cruz
Categories Children/Youth,Education,Literacy
Contact Name Bobby Pelz and Anita Harten-Kroeber
Agency Email
Agency Address 1200 17th Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Agency Phone 831-252-3285
Web Address
Office Hours
Distance from Campus 6 miles
Nearest Bus Lines 16 - 71
Mission Statement Launch Pad Santa Cruz is a small, nonprofit, part-time, all-volunteer program that gathers age-appropriate new and used books and distributes them at no cost to foster, homeless, and low-income children and teens. This work is based on research done in 42 different countries that shows that the greater the number of books in a home, the better the eventual educational outcome is for the children, regardless of the educational levels of the parents. Launch Pad hopes that getting books into the hands of kids that need them will help fulfill the mission of improving education levels but in a way that volunteers and families alike can easily participate in.
Volunteer Duties Volunteer duties include Organizing small book drives, help with larger drives, help with book sorting and repair, help with no cost book fairs and other forms of distribution.
Notes Updated 12/4/2018 (No response as of 3/13/2020)